Wednesday, August 22, 2012

What's weight got to do with it and a challenge within a challenge...

Big news came out of the CDC last week.  The fair state of Louisiana has been ranked 2nd in the US in obesity rates (or 49th, depending on how you look at it).  Our citizens report (get that, it’s SELF-REPORTED!) an obesity rate of 33.4%, barely tucking in under Mississipi (34.9%). 35.7% of adults in the United States are obese (try not to confuse this with state statistics, which includes children). What does this mean?  One in three Louisianians have reported a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 30 or higher.  In other words, an obese person of average height – 5’9” – weighs over 203 pounds.  By the way, Louisiana also has thehighest average BMI, at 27.1, right in the middle of the overweight range.  Keep in mind that the BMI system is not perfect – it’s based solely on height to weight ratios.  As such, it cannot take into account athletes, whose larger frame may be considered overweight or obese on this scale (for example, Drew Brees, Superbowl MVP, NFL Legend, Savior of New Orleans and all-around nice guy, at 6’0” and 209 pounds is approaching the obese range of >30 with a BMI of 28.3, the upper-end of overweight).  But, for taking a population sample, it is sufficient for gathering reliable data.  Much more after the jump...