Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Handlebars and butterflies

While gathering information on the effects that CO2 has on the environment, I've come across conflicting studies.  Some would have us believe that it is the cause of global warming and climate change, as the meddling of human beings who have pushed this world further to the brink has basically assured our self-destruction.  Others point to climate change as an inevitable and temporary phase of our planet's life cycle, and we have had nothing to do with "furthering along" the process of planetary death.

Honestly, I don't know what to believe just yet.  I'd like to think that my efforts, at the very least, are a more natural and sustainable solution than the burning of fossil fuels.  And so, I've found myself uncertain of the value of this project (at least in Grand Scheme of things).

Yesterday, as I was engaged in my evening commute, something fascinating happened.  Stopped at a red light, I was standing over my bike, grabbing a sip of water and just enjoying a cool breeze.  As I looked to my left, a butterfly fluttered into my vision and began heading in my direction.  Zigging and zagging around the cars, it appeared to have made the deliberate decision to visit with me!  Finally, upon reaching me, the creature promptly made a perch on my hand, which was resting gently upon my handlebars.

Now, I understand that this is not a typical experience for cyclists or motorists!  Maybe I shouldn't read too much into these things, but it's those quiet moments of beauty that I think will make this project worthwhile.  Maybe that butterfly was shaking my hand in reassurance of this project.  Maybe it was completely random.  Regardless of the causes whose end result was that gentle and perfect contact with one of nature's fragile miracles, it gives me hope.  And at the very least puts a smile on my face.


  1. I like this project. Be safe. Let me know what I can do to help.

  2. Is the title an allusion to Muse's "Hurricanes and Butterflies"? Either way, I completely agree about the necessary ambivalence towards Global War- I mean Climate Change. Best thing to do is make small changes now to hedge your bets.

  3. Actually, Ryan, I had never heard that song, but now that I have, I feel like I SHOULD have been referencing it!

  4. *Butterflies and Hurricanes.
    But it's a great song indeed!
